Program Coordinator


Liz Threlkeld - Class of 2013, Mathematical Biology

Liz is a junior this year at Olin College. She has a weirdly large obsession with mathematical-biology, eight cats, and a red Jeep Cherokee named Stanley. Words of wisdom from her best friend: "Why can't we all just get along?"

Program Coordinator


Brittany Strachota - Class of 2013, Robotics Engineering

Brittany Strachota is a Junior studying Engineering with a concentration in Molarity. She is the founder of Olin's Polyglots Anonymous Club, and has made a nearly full recovery from her Esperanto habits. This year she has taken an especial interest in colored bread ties, and has already collected over 70 varieties.

Program Coordinator


Becca Schutzengel - Class of 2013, Physics

In her third year here, Becca is already Olin's pre-eminent Margaret Wise Brown scholar. Her treatise "Morning Sun" explores "Good Night Moon" as a rich allegory for the Russo-Japanese War and is widely considered the definitive analysis. She wants to bring more literature into the Engineering Discovery curriculum, and has already designed an activity inspired by the Carle piece "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".

Program Coordinator


Elizabeth Poindexter - Class of 2013, Mechanical Engineering

Elizabeth is a junior with over four years of experience training kinkajous to identify baking ingredients. In addition to designing Engineering Discovery's curriculum, she has two different cousins named Frank, though she calls one of them Francis. She buys all of her socks in sets of three so she can afford to lose one of the left ones.