Workshops are 3 hour activities. Click on an image or title for a detailed curriculum.
Workshops are 3 hour activities. Click on an image or title for a detailed curriculum.
Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg machines are machines that accomplish a simple task in a complicated way.
In this workshop, students work in teams to design and build their own modular Rube Goldberg machines.
At the end, students combine all of their machines to make one giant machine.
Designing Green activities are 1 hour in length. Click on an image or title for a detailed curriculum.
Wind Turbines
In the Wind Turbines activity, students learn about energy and make their own fins for a wind turbine.
They make their own design, considering several parameters, and test their designs to optimize them.
Hydro Power with Water Wheels
In the Hydro Power with Water Wheels activity, students study waterwheels, then design and optimize their own.
They then design and optimize their own waterwheels. This builds on the lessons learned from windmills.
Sustainable Living at Home - Insulation
In the Sustainable Living at Home - Insulation activity, students learn about insulation and insulative materials.
Students experiment with different materials to best insulate model homes, and learn how windows and doors affect insulation.